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 OPC Superfine 4100


It is high-early strength cement which provides high strengths at an early period, usually a week or less. Although richer mixes of CEM I can be used to gain high early strength, Superfine Portland Cement may provide it more satisfactorily and more economically.

 Standard Specification

It is produced according to the Egyptian standards ES 4756/1-2007 which complies with the European specifications EN 197/1-2000.

 Physical and Mechanical Properties

 Chemical Properties

 Practical Main Application

It is used when forms are to be removed as soon as possible or when the structure must be put into service quickly. It is suitable for bridges construction and manufacturing of the railways bases.


• Cement bags should be stored in a dry place and kept away from a humid environment.
• Bags are stacked over wooden palettes.
• Cement bags should be covered in case of humid & rainy weathers.
• Don’t stuff more than 8 bags over each other.


• 6 weeks from the packing date, provided that it’s properly stored as previously mentioned instructions.
• Cement should be re-tested before use after this period.